====== 👴老官搭死神 ====== ===== 甲篇 ===== 一個老官人家討佢僵旁樹㙰斫樹,一个日,佢畀樹頭擐上頭迲賣,走得路地,驀停頭覺得實在喫力無較活功爻。 佢畀頭柴從肩胛頭下落來,坐箇路腳’,想箇“閻羅王”趒來。 佢擊忖物,“閻羅王”便來爻。 “閻羅王”問佢講噢佢哬某事幹。 箇老官連緊爬及起講,“嗯,哪,我想要爾畀我頭柴屬隊摃起,囥轉我肩胛頭地來。” 空是我搭爾想着得个老實馨爻,貤老世不着得馨个。 ===== The Old Man and Death ===== An Old Man was employed in cutting wood in the forest, and, in carrying the faggots to the city for sale one day, became very wearied with his long journey. He sat down by the wayside, and throwing down his load, besought 'Death' to come. 'Death' immediately appeared in answer to his summons and asked for what reason he had called him. The Old Man hurriedly replied, 'That, lifting up the load, you may place it again upon my shoulders.' We would often be sorry if our wishes were gratified. =====乙篇===== 一個老官來森林裏耙柴。 到落塌ㄦ佢喫力顯,孬做人爻。 佢畀柴都搒爻,沱起講:「箇生活實在無處過爻。啊,死神趒來畀我帶去勿唕。」 扣講出,死神便來爻,講:「咋某,老官?我聽爾誦着我啊。」 「央記爾,」箇老官應佢,「畀捆柴擐起囥我肩胛頭嗒㕨?」 ===== The Old Man and Death ===== An old man was gathering sticks in a forest. At last he grew very tired and hopeless. He threw down all the sticks and cried out, "I cannot bear this life any longer. Ah, I wish Death would come and take me!" As he spoke, Death appeared, and said to him, "What would you do, old man? I heard you call me." "Please, sir," replied the old man, "would you help me lift this bundle of sticks up to my shoulder?"